Yowza Siesta Treadmill Ratings

The Yowza Siesta is one of the leaders in the Yowza family. With one of the best warranties, it catches a lot of eyes. The treadmill itself is powerful, sturdy, and user-friendly. It’s a simple design with most of the popular gadgets to keep its runners entertained.

The Siesta uses a ‘Swing Arm’ shock absorbtion system to keep your joints happy, it has 2 fans to keep you extra cool while you run, the running surface is a 20″ x 55″ quiet whisperdeck, and it will take you up to 10MPH at a 12% incline. With all this functionality its easy to understand why the Yowza Siesta gets so much attention.

Web Price: $1,899

Sale Price: $1,099

Yowza Siesta Treadmill Ratings

Motor: B
Walking Area: B
Comfort: B+
Functionality: B
Durability: B+
Warranty: A
Value: B+


Click here to buy the Yowza Siesta direct from the manufacturer!

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