Proform Performance 400 Treadmill Ratings

The Proform Performance 400 is lowest priced treadmill of the Proform Line-up. On a treadmill this price, you have to wonder, what did they cut off to get it so cheap? Did they have to gut out the organs, or did they clip off a few fingers? Well, here it stands, all organs in tact. It may be missing some outer extremities, but the meat of the machine has been left.

The motor is as strong as any with a 2.25 Horsepower force behind it. The feel of the machine is obviously a little lightweight, but other than that, quiet and sturdy.

Web Price: $799

Sale Price: $599

Proform Performance 400 Treadmill Ratings

Motor: B
Walking Area: B+
Comfort: B
Functionality: B+
Durability: B-
Warranty: B
Value: B+


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