Freemotion Incline Trainer Treadmill Ratings

You can find Incline Trainers from most brands, however what’s great about the Freemotion Incline Trainer, is it’s built in such a way as to let you either use it as an incline trainer, or as a regular treadmill. Let’s face it, you’re not always going to want to use it at 40% incline. Sometimes you’ll want a flat surface. The 2.25 CHP Motor, the 10mph Max Speed, and the large 20″ x 55″ running belt allow this to work perfectly as a regular treadmill, or an incline Trainer.

This machine comes decorated with some pretty great features as well. Including a 4″ cooling fan, an Ipod port with built-in speakers, a nice graphical display, a variety of great preprogrammed workouts, a random trail generator, Ifit Live, heart rate sensors, and much more. This Incline Trainer is a piece of art.

Web Price: $1,799

Sale Price:$1,799

Freemotion Incline Trainer Treadmill Ratings

Motor: B
Walking Area: A-
Comfort: A-
Functionality: B+
Durability: B+
Warranty: B+
Value: B


Click here to buy the Freemotion Incline Trainer direct from the manufacturer!

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